A simple view into the mind of comedian Mo Alexander and maybe even a few thoughts from the alter ego Montrel . I will try to update this page as much humanly possible but no promises..i do the best i can wilh all the stuff i'm trying to do...Beware you might be offended with something i say, think or believe.
I have always heard that there are 2 sides to every story, I think thats become outdated I think every story has three parts, the part you want to hear, the part you don’t, and what really happened .I take that, all that. The good the bad and the ugly and make you laugh.Sometimes you might not want to laugh but you find yourself laughing none the less..I’m not knocking the comics that are goofy, or prop acts or guitar acts of the world, but if one can make fun of things in life that hurt, scare, or disturb why wouldn’t you want that. The world is full of atrocities and if I can make some of those things go away or give a different perspective on an issue and make a slightly less sucky day for someone I will.Some people consider me a dirty comic cause i use words in our language that are considered “bad”. No words are bad, words convey thought and sometimes the only term for a situation is a word that one might have been admonished for as a child.I think in that is someone who has come to a comedy show ,who is buying the required 2 drink minimum and are old enough to make decisions can hear the word “fuck” and not cry to mommy. I don’t market myself as a Christian comic or a clown for children. I am a drinking, swearing, role model for the real world.Off stage I am your basic flawed human, a writer, a thinker. On stage or as soon as I walk into the club I am a stand up comedian and I am Fucking Funny.
Mo Alexander