A Dingler, a Dye and it's all a Haze

Home from a couple long weeks on the road again, a couple of cool stories and a very cool video or two. Started the journey going to see my friend Paul Hooper play the Stardome in Birmingham, hung out with him Matt Davis, Jane Haze,and a bunch of other weirdo. Kept going that night and ended up in Tallahasee where i had 6 great and incredible shows with a freaky little nut job named Amy Dingler. Just a little psycho but i love her. Ft walton as usual is a bloodbath of "lets try to get the comedian fucked up"They didn't. Jacksonville Fl woo hoo

I did something that i haven't done in awhile,I opened for someone, I was the middle dude for last comic standing finalist Jeff Dye..He is a great and funny guy but that should have never happened,don't get me wrong his crowd loved him But cute nice guy never trumps realist funny large semi scary black guy. But i do like him and he did me a nice little plug. Also a funny video that might be promo for an upcoming show...
If you people don't know about my webgirl/fucking funny comedian Jane Haze you need to find out,She's not only funny and knows how to do seo work but a great wingman ,driver and just fucking the shit...Without Jane hanging with me the past few weeks i think i would have gotten into so much trouble..
Go to the YouTube Channel and watch The Video we did.Much thanks to mr.Webb

More info coming soon.