An updated post, originally from myspace last year

Enjoy and tell me what you think
For all of those who don't know me, im a comedian.A true stand up comedian ,no im not a prop act nor am i character made up to convince people who im making fun of that im one of them.Nor am i a puppeteer , or a musical act .i am a comedian a comedian in the truest since of the word.I find the funny in the world around me unlike Seinfeld whom i consider a comedian im not just pointing out what wrong with the world i suggest ways to make them better even if some of my ideas are take the fact that i just want everyone to laugh and also maybe just maybe provoke a thought .Here's the problem im labeled as EDGY.whoa a black comic who is edgy wow must be def jam with not much talent or his own material.NOT ME i dont curse to be funny.i curse because things piss me off.yes im not for everyone there's a place for puppets, and musical acts and even guys who balance rope on the face those place are called cruise ships and hell (which to me would be one in the same)im not saying that i would never do a cruise ship but unless it for a private s&m gathering or some twisted open minded group like that, if i end up on one in any other situation my friends have been instructed to kill me.
The reason for the post is as the world has become soft, comedy clubs are becoming soft as well,"oh dont offend the patrons" well tell that drunk hole in the back to shut her cocksucker and let me do my show."but if we throw her out we'll lose customers' do you really want the same people to come back again the next week and heckle the comic again, no fucker you dont kick them out on their asses and make a better time for the ones who are laughing .Bland comedy is killing comedy.Comedy is the last bastion of free speech dont tell me to change my act, warn the customer that what you see in this room tonight while you might not agree with the things said on that stage remember fuckers, comedy is based on truth. ...Carlin edgy, Pryor edgy, Lenny Bruce edgy, Kinison edgy Hicks edgy, and right now if they came you in this soft ass comedy world they would be told to tone it down.Fuck em turn it up make em sweat so i can smell the weak and feed off their fear and stupidity. go home where its safe(ha ha), watch you mind numbing television your dancing with the stars,your rock of loves, Dr phil and the like.only listen to the soft bullshit radio,listen to The jonas bro, and clay soulless aiken.THINK do me one favor and Think. See ya on the road ..Nyc Coming for you in april..i know you are ready.