Where to begin:Vegas

I keep telling everyone road stories are coming so here ya go.
So you might not know but I've been kicked of a lot of places I'm ok with this cause most of the places I've been kicked out of are places i want to be kicked out of, not because i enjoy it but because those places suck.I've been banned from a Perkins restaurant,Graceland,the Viper room in La,a library in south Carolina, 13 radio stations and personally my favorite and the exception to the this place sucks rule, a swingers club in Vegas..Yep i said it a swingers club in Vegas.How could one get kicked out of a swingers club you may ask.It's a place where rampant sexual activities happen of all kinds, sucking, fucking, watching, walking around naked while playing pool.All kinds of stuff.One night my friend Pyro Pete and myself went to the red rooster 2, a swinger club in a strip mall somewhere near the Vegas strip.And what a strip mall by the way,full or weird dirty things this place should be smack dab in the middle of Kansas.It has three swingers clubs, a place where tranny hookers hang out, a sex toy shop that is also a coffee shop and the funniest place I've ever seen, a Mexican cowboy country gay bar.Gay and Ole woo hoo.I digress so we went to the rr2 on a Tuesday night kinda dead of course,even in Vegas Tuesday can be dead.Not much happening that night till we got to the far back room.There was a small group of about 6 people both guys and girls just watching, so of course i wanted to see for myself what was going on so made or way past the semi circle of lack of humanity and saw it.It was a rather Fabio looking very manly built dude doing a rather Rotund woman doggie style on a leather covered foam bed.Now don't get me wrong i like a thick chick always, not really a fan of skinny women cause they break to easy.This isn't about me making fun of the big girl I wasn't, but the Fabio guy omg what a tool,not the dick just him.He was posing while fucking her,one leg up both arms on his absent love handles in a superman type pose,tossing his big harlequin book cover hair every chance he got.I couldn't help myself,I ran out to Pyro's car and got my notebook,came back in and started writing. When the woman finally started groaning I held up my notebook and stated very loudly what was on my notebook "6.2 from the Russian judge"then more flew from my mouth"i would have give you an 8 but its looks like your overextending and you almost fell on your first dismount."Laughter and security,lots of both filled the room,all six people laughed, the big girl snickered and he wanted to beat my ass.They removed Pyro and myself and told us we could back some other time but we needed to leave.I was actually happy security came in when they did to remove us,I would hate to have this story end with me being beaten by a naked hard cocked Fabio look alike, curled on floor that smelled of feet,tears and bleach,that's never a good way to end a story unless Paul Hooper is involved.More on him later.Oh we went back, another story for another day


Adam said...

I can't believe you went to a swingers club without me. I hope my mother never learns of this.